Anning Jing
Professor, Art History & Visual Culture
323 Kresge Art Center
East Lansing, MI 48824
Anning Jing received his Ph. D. degree in Chinese art from Princeton University in 1994. He has been teaching Asian art in the Department of Art and Art History at MSU since 1995. He is the author of the following books: Daojiao Quanzhen pai gongguan, zaoxiang yu zushi (Temples, Images, and Patriarchs of the Complete Realization School of Daoism) (Beijing: Zhonghua shuju, 2012); The Water God’s Temple of the Guangsheng Monastery: Cosmic Function of Art, Ritual, and Theater (Leiden: Brill, 2002); and Yuandai biha “Shenxian fuhui tu” (The Yuan Murals “Assembly of the Immortals”) , (Beijing: Beijing University Press, 2002). He is a co-editor of a book titled Studies in Sino-Tibetan Buddhist Art (Shanghai: Shanghai guji chuban she, 2009). Currently he is writing a book on Buddhist art.
My research at present focuses on six interrelated areas: 1) Daoist art, 2) art works of popular culture, 3) murals from Shanxi area, 4) Buddhst art of the Yuan Dynsty, 5) artistic and cultural connections between China, India, Southeast Asia, Korea, and Japan, and 6) Chinese landscape painting. Among these areas, the first three, although important in Chinese art, have received very little scholarly attention; and the last, although a popular subject, needs further study from new perspectives.