A Present Past, A Passed Present

“The past is a foreign country; they do things differently there” –L.P Hartley

MSU Union Gallery

August 26-October 4

Reception September 15, 11am-1pm

In addition to a change of place, travel to Greece often brings a different sense of time. Whether it is a visit to a monastery where ascetics follow way of life established centuries in the past or a chance discovery of an ancient artifact built into a modern house, one constantly encounters reminders of the long history of this place. Here, shaping one’s future has much to do with learning how to accommodate the past.

This interplay between past and present was keenly felt by all who participated in the 2024 Ceramic Arts in Greece program. During three weeks of study in Greece, students are challenged to identify moments of inspiration at sites, museums and art studios. This is followed by an intensive period of work in the ceramics studio of the Department of Art, Art History and Design, where those moments of discovery are turned into the works you see in this exhibition.

As their works show, many were inspired by a recognition of the immense pull of religious and cultural traditions, which continue to shape our lives still today. Thus some artists seek to draw attention to the challenges of daily life in the presence of a revered past.  Others push back against traditions through a re-imagining of alternate pasts. Finally, some challenge us to think about the pace of our lives and to question whether we’re doing the best we can with the time we’re given.

Thanks to:

MSU College of Arts and Letters

Department of Art, Art History and Design

MSU Excavations at Isthmia

Global Arts Studio / Sokrates Lambropoulos

Mirella Studios / Anastasia and Mirella Petikidis 

Mon Coin Studio / Eleonore Trenado

Pink Dolphin Studios / Rania Totsika

Ramfos Ceramics

The Center for the Study of Modern Pottery / Nikos Liaros

Valsamakis Ceramics / Panos Valsamakis 

Tani Hartmann

Stamatis Kanellopoulos

Angeliki Kandri

P. Nick Kardulias

Ulrike Krotscheck

Dan Meier

Elpida Ntriva

Menandros Papadopoulos

Walt Peebles

Guy Sanders

Nikos Sklavenitis

Angeliki Stamataki

Anthi Theodorou

Daniel Trego

Adriani Tzima

Ioulia Tzonou

Lita Tzortzopoulou-Gregory