Can We All Stop Pretending?

Vadu Rodrigues

2nd Year MFA Exhibition

Kresge Art Gallery 101

September 23-October 4

The work presented is a series of images collected in 6 different countries in the African Continent (Cape Verde, Senegal, Ghana, Nigeria, Togo and Kenya) from 2019 to 2023. It uses photography, sculpture, and collage to Showcase a Positive view of the African Continent by celebrating the diverse culture of the continent. It also raises questions about African Identity, The Right to Opacity, The exploitation of the Black Body/Identity, and Racism.

By removing the skin

I feel joy from making the subject invisible to the racist comments and the ignorant questions

asked by those who do not understand the experience of being in our “Black” body.

How dare you believe our existence revolves around a single color, and I’m here only to

serve you?

I feel joy in asking you about the exploitation of the African/Black body.

How dare you steal my image and use it against me to justify and celebrate your cruelty?

I feel joy to question you about the protection of the identity of the less privileged.

How dare you think the world is yours? You travel to places and treat people as if they are

exotic pieces of art.

I feel joy in not having to explain myself repeatedly to make you understand things you

clearly do not care about.

How dare you waste my time; educating you when it is obvious that you think you are

superior to me?

I feel joy for walking in the streets safely, without fear of having your eyes piercing my skin,

trying to figure me out, questioning me and trying to make sense in your biased mind.

How dare you stare at me, profiling me and questioning my right to be in places? When we all know that I worked to be wherever I am because nothing comes handed to me.

I feel joy to see the discomfort in the eyes of individuals who secretly feel satisfied by seeing us disappear from this place they crave.

How dare you cry for our space as if you haven’t already taken enough from us?

I feel joy in imagining us traveling to our paradise.

Leaving this place you have destroyed with your hunger for power.

Meeting our ancestors who patiently waited for us.

And hear them saying

“Our endurance to the pain kept the dream alive. It was not in vain.”

“Welcome home!”

– Vadu Rodrigues