Proposal submissions are accepted year-round

(SCENE) Metrospace is located in downtown East Lansing, Michigan and is operated by the Department of Art, Art History, and Design at Michigan State University. Since 2004, (SCENE) Metrospace has maintained a diverse range of regionally focused visual art exhibitions featuring nationally recognized artists, emerging artists, juried and group exhibitions, musical performances, and other forms of expression. The space provides just over 1,500 square feet for exhibitions and special programming and welcomes proposals that challenge our ways of thinking about the visual and performing arts.

(SCENE) Metrospace is always seeking proposals for works and special programming that address contemporary issues and concerns, and/ or work that pushes traditional boundaries in its treatment of materials or subject. We offer juried calls for themed exhibitions throughout the year. Exhibitions are planned several months to a year in advance. Please keep this in mind when proposing shows.

The Department of Art, Art History, and Design accepts exhibition proposals in two general categories: Proposals from independent artists and proposals for curated group and/or themed exhibitions. All proposals must include the materials listed below. All complete proposals will be reviewed by a Department of Art, Art History, and Design Faculty committee. Applicants will be notified with questions and if a proposal has been accepted. 

Please contact if you have any questions and to submit your completed proposal. 

Required Materials

Please e-mail completed exhibition proposals to

  • Completed application form
  • Proposal Narrative
  • CV (no more than three pages) that includes your art education, exhibitions, awards, and bibliography. For curated exhibitions or for group artists exhibitions, please also include artists’ resumes.
  • 10-15 images of work with corresponding numbered image information sheet.
  • A numbered image information sheet that corresponds to the numbered digital images. Information sheet must include the title, date, dimensions, and medium of each work listed along with the artist’s name.

* Before proposing an exhibition, please review our floor plan carefully to understand the scale of the space.

Click here for our floorplan

Click here for a 3-D rendering of the space

Exhibition Proposal Narrative

  • Narrative should include a suggested title of your exhibition. This title may be amended up to the time it is required for printing the promotional material. Include your name, identify yourself as featured artist or curator, specify solo or group exhibition, and if the latter, include the names of the artist(s).
  • Describe the concept or theme of the work.
  • For artists only: Describe your current work, as well as your propose work, noting any significant new direction your work will take.
  • For independent curators only: demonstrate your capacity to execute the exhibition.
  • Provide information about how the work connects to the mission and goals of (SCENE) Metrospace.
  • Identify any special equipment or other requirements you may need that may become an impediment to presenting this proposed exhibition.
  • Include details of any supplementary public programs or presentations. We encourage participants to propose additional artists talks, panel discussions, or workshops geared towards engaging the general public.
  • Indicate whether the accompanying images are images you are proposing for exhibition, or are representative images only. 

Digital Image Format Details

  • Digital images should be sent as zip file or via an ftp site such as dropbox. All images should be jpegs.
  • No image resolutions should be greater than 300 dpi
  • Images should be a maximum of 800 X 600 dpi.
  • Images must be numbered sequentially (1-15) and should include artists last name. For example SMITH01, SMITH02, etc.

Please contact if you have any questions and to submit your completed proposal.

Exhibition Proposal Form

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