Several College Projects Supported by HARP Development and Production Awards

Projects by College of Arts & Letters faculty, ranging from a linguistic course, to traveling exhibitions, to books on a range of subjects, received support this year from Humanities and Arts Research Program (HARP) Development or Production Awards. Funding for these HARP Grants is provided, in part, through the Michigan State University Research Foundation.

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College Receives National Award for Innovative Policies and Programs Supporting Non-Tenure-Track Faculty

Michigan State University’s College of Arts & Letters has been selected as a winner of the 2024 Delphi Award for its dedicated work to include non-tenure-track faculty as full partners through its Charting Pathways of Intellectual Leadership (CPIL) initiative. As a winner of this award, the College of Arts & Letters will receive $15,000 to continue its work to support non-tenure-track faculty in promoting student success.

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Professor Shines Spotlight on Women of Color with State and International Award-Winning Work

Teresa Dunn, a Mexican American artist and Professor in the Department of Art, Art History, and Design at Michigan State University, is using her artistic talent to shine a spotlight on women of color who are often overlooked or diminished. Dunn is now being honored with statewide and international awards for this work.

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